Tuesday 13 November 2012

Photoshop Spot Removal Tool

I was asked to use the spot removal tool to remove the infected areas of the subjects face. I downloaded the photo of off the internet and loaded it into Photoshop. Once the image was in Photoshop I navigated to the spot removal tool. I selected and changed the size of the tool. I needed to change the size of the tool to treat both large and small infected areas. The tool is designed to remove spots and marks from the face.

This is the end result. I used the spot removal tool to remove all of the blemishes on the subjects face. This tool is widely used in the fashion industry as it makes models look more attractive. This is a cheap and easy editing technique that is widely available. To use the tool you simply select the brush tip size and ctrl click next to the infected area and then you click on the infected area. It is important to ctrl click next to the infected area first as this gives Photoshop the correct color that the tool needs to use in order to heal the face. If you did not ctrl click next to the infected area, Photoshop would not have a color to use to heal the spot.

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