Thursday 15 November 2012

Photoshop Image Editing

I was asked to edit an image in Photoshop. I was asked to transform was a women into a vampire. This is the original image that I am going to edit. I downloaded the image from the internet and imported it into Photoshop. The image is ideal as you can easily see the subject’s eyes and teeth. 
This is the outcome of the editing process. The woman has been transformed into a vampire. I used many techniques in Photoshop. To start I opened the smudge tool and chose the de saturate mode. I them changed the brush size to the appropriate width. I gently applied the brush to the woman to make her de saturated. This feature is essential to make the woman look scary. I then opened the dodge tool and made the woman’s lips redder. This is also essential as vampires have dark vibrant lips. To make her teeth longer and more vampire looking, I opened the magnetic lasso tool. This allowed me to grab a section of the tooth and stretch it down a desired length. I then navigated to edit, transform and warp. This allowed me to complete the editing of the tooth. To make the subjects eyes glow red I first created a new layer. I then coloured the eyes red with the brush tool. I then selected the layer and selected the option linear burn. This made the colour blend in with the eye and create a vampire effect. 

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