Monday 25 March 2013

Blog Write up, Week 3

During this last week I have achieved many things. As you can see from the screenshot below I have successfully finished my front cover. As stated in the week before I set my self some very specific targets to help me meet all deadlines and complete all work to a high standard.  

I have had a successful week as I have completed all objectives set. As stated I wanted to insert all of my sell lines into my front cover. I also stated that I wanted to finish the second draft of my article and insert it into my dps. Finishing these objectives has put me at a major advantage as I will be able to finish my dps in time for the deadline. 

It was of no challenge to finish and insert my article into my dps. As I have written my article in Microsoft Word, I was able to simply copy and paste the article in to a text box and set up the correct formatting techniques. It was also of no challenge to finish and insert all of my sell lines on my front cover, as I was guided by an existing magazine, I was able to collect a range of creative ideas.  

Reviewing the progress of the magazine, I can state that everything run smoothly last week. I did not encounter any problems when inserting my sell lines or completing my article. To help me create my sell lines I used a magazine called Kerrang to give my inspiration. It is essential that I use an existing magazine to aid my work as I can see what codes and conventions everyday magazines use.

I have decided to set myself some additional targets this week. Firstly I want to insert the name of the magazine onto my dps. It is essential that I include the name of the magazine on my dps as readers will be reminded on the style and content of the magazine. I also plan on inserting a breakout box feature on my dps. It is essential that I include breakout boxes as they will attract the reader. Finally I want to complete the 'Did you know??' section within my magazine. Completing this is essential as this is a great opportunity, and space to show some very worrying figures. By doing this I will scare the target audience and make them think twice about alcohol misuse. If I complete all objectives I will have completed my dps and finished my product in time for the deadline.

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