Monday 22 October 2012

Photoshop Image Development

This is my original image. The image has not been edited or altered. I have selected this image to edit as the subject is an ideal size and has a clear shot of the eyes. This image is the image I would like to use for my magazine front cover. The image is ideal as there is a clear show of the subject and his eyes are the in the top third of the page.
I loaded the image on to Photoshop and started to alter the auto colour and the auto mask. This increased the depth of the image and made it stand out from the background. This is an advantage as it would make the magazine front cover jump out and grab the attention of the customer. As you can see the image is sharper and more vibrant. This makes the subject stand out from the background and create a 3D effect.

This is the third image that I edited in Photoshop. The image has been brightened. Brightening the image prevents the image from looking grey and flat. I also vignetted the image, vignetting the image created a dark area around the image. As you can see I have used this feature to make the subject stand out and catch the attention of the reader. I also lightened up the lighter parts of the image, for example I have made area on the subjects face and jumper whiter by highlighting key areas. This makes the subject stand out drags your eyes to the image.
This is the final outcome. The fourth image that I created has been totally altered. The image has a number of effects present. The main effect is de saturation. I have de saturated the image to give it a classic olden day type look. This would make a magazine interesting as magazines don’t usually use de saturated images. I also used the dodge and burn tool to darken the shadows on the image and highlight the whites within the image. This makes the image look professional and fit for a magazine.

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